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About the Artist 

I'm pretty much a Tennessee hillbilly who had the good fortune to live most of my life in or around some not-too-big cities: Nashville, Richmond, Indianapolis, and now Winston-Salem. I always liked drawing. One of my grade school drawings showed up in the basement gallery of Nashville's Parthenon. It wasn't encouraged so my drawing devloved to doodles. Life went on...


In my late 20's I took a college drawing class and art became obsession. Very soon I had a sculpture accepted in the Tennessee Art League annual show - again displayed in Nashville's Parthenon gallery. I took it as a harbinger of great things to come so I quit my job as a manager at a group home for developmentally disabled adults and went off to get an art degree. To make a long story short, the lousy economy made me change direction. I graduated in Accounting. Then, I went to work in Indiana. Whenever I could, I did night classes or week long workshops. I retired as soon as I could, moved back to Tennessee, and got that degree in Painting. I also started dancing to swing and blues music and traveling to do it! 

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